Killer Executive Speeches From The Podium

Lets face it….most of you are terrified to deliver a REALLY good speech! I might even say you “suck” when it comes to delivering a message that matters. And you will continue to do this with consistency, because you are letting your fear control you. And it will continue to do so.

So deal with it and CHANGE! You know your material…and you probably know most of the people in your audience. They probably are not going to lynch you if what you present is boring….but it won’t bring the results you are looking for…as usual.

So develop a game plan. Become a “gamer” like most of the younger Millenials do and have a strategy. Open with a sentence that literally grabs them, such as…”No one wants to be called a LOSER!” or “The only difference  between a rut and a grave is how deep you dig it!” That later one is of course Samuel Clemens “Mark Twain” making another incredible rational thought…put into words…like only he could.

Be creative, be free…be spontaneous. Share something from your childhood and choose a scenario that others can relate to. It might even be embarassing, but you probably learned from it…didn’t you? The more  people can relate to you, the more they will listen and that’s  the key component.

And of course PRACTICE your opening, and your closing. Your content should be  filled with worthy information…but most people begin  to “fade” after 3  to 7 seconds. So make it count. Mix it up and bring levity to it. Take a deep breath throughout your presentation, just to calm yourself. Make it brief and to the point and of course with a call to action!

Jerry Seinfeld says he will take an 8 sentence joke and bring it down to 3 or 4, because that gets THE BEST RESPONSE!

Take it from these pro’s.

Remember your’e worth it…seriously!imgres-1

Why do people lie?

Imagine if the world suffered from “Pinocchio” syndrome? Everyday all of us started with an average size nose. No problems, no exaggerations, no false “small talk” where you weren’t paying attention in the first place. Your “nose” would stay the same size!

But as you begin your day….your nose WOULD grow. Why because you LIED!

Then average person does it at least twice a day.

Take the poll and lets find out how you fare!

Research shows that married couples lie at least 14 times a week to each other. They could be small “white” lies….but they still are lies!

We lie to get out of or cover up a mistake. It is just the nature of the human being. Animals don’t do this, they just go on existing and living in the moment.

A study has shown that a child becomes exposed to lying to someone else between the ages of 3 & 4. If you wonder how we do this…it is just by example. If a child receives a gift, and they “don’t want it or like it”, they simply say so! But then they are corrected by their parents. They watch their parents tell the gift giver, “Oh no, she really does like your gift. She just wants to go out and play.”

We blatantly make up excuses in front of our child. And the first lesson in lying begins!
And it continues on from there.
Starting today, challenge yourself. Become cognizant of when you think you are concocting an excuse or a lie. Hold back, think about it and then speak the truth.
Try it…you’ll like it!

If you have been lied to and it has hurt you or affected your job, share it with me. I am in the process of working on my 2nd book, “Liars, Tigers, S.O.B.s Oh My!” I would love your input and experiences to add to my book. Names would not be shown, but the experience could and would help other people.

Why? Because we all learn from each other…and because we all lie!
Contact me at

Published in: on May 14, 2014 at 4:17 pm  Leave a Comment  
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