Always think with the 4th sale in mind!


Are potential long term customers “flying” away after doing one time business with you?

Well this happens with most of us. We keep on chasing that Gold ring, going round and round hoping to catch and close that deal. And then we never follow up with them.

That is why you should read about and learn from Ed Peters of Relationship Marketing. Not only does he send massive emails to potential clients and attendees at his presentations, but he also diligently mails out postcards, to each and every possible attendee.
As a result he gets a phenomenal response and very high turnout at every one of his presentations!

And the incredible Alan Weiss of Summit Consulting practices and preaches the attitude of “Always think with the 4th sale in mind!” Instead of chasing and chasing after customers, deliver, follow up and continue to do that again and again. Remember you ARE seeking a long term relationship that generates revenue and sales for both of you.

I personally follow both of these very successful men because of their strategies and attitude.
In fact I have been dubbed “The Attitude Amazon” because of my height (5’11”) and the last name of Strong. When you have those traits, you better make it work…..and I do!
I do have the right attitude as you should too!
Why not generate the results that will make a difference in your bottom line…instead of just going after that first sale again and again.
Your time is valuable and so are your skills and services.
Try these techniques, and generate increased revenue.
You know you are worth it!

Eileen Strong
Strong Incentives….Delivers Powerful Results!