Want To Deliver A Knockout Speech…but your FEAR of public speaking stops you!

It’s a fact that this #1 fear that people have, has stopped thousands of people!

You have a message that you know with confidence, but your fear limits your ability!

Do you belong to that group? Well, welcome to a group that is crowded…very crowded.

#1) Write your speech out on 8×10 sheets, and put it in medium size font.

#2) Stand in front of a mirror that you’ve stood in front of many times, and read your speech out in full content, while looking into the mirror frequently. Repeat this process at least 3 times.

#3) Now take a deep & refreshing breath and read it again with pauses and style. Read it as if you were presenting a story to engaged young people, eager to listen to you. Now  smile as you present it again. Repetition is critically important here.

#4) Next present your presentation to a friend, family member or even a pet. Having an audience of any nature is a necessity for you to take control of your fear of public speaking. Now do it again, with someone else. (As the sentence goes…”How do you get to Carnegie Hall…practice, practice, practice.”)

#5) Now stand in the spot that you are to make the presentation from, or at least know the lay-out of the room and the seating configuration of your audience. All of these baby-steps rebuilds your self-esteem as a speaker. Seriously, you DO know your material, so the more you honor these simplistic steps, the easier it will become.

#6) Finally record yourself and watch your presentation. We tend to be our own worse critic, but if you see how you look and sound the “safer” you’ll feel about what you are doing. Simply because you’ve  become familiar with knowing, hearing and seeing what you look like. This is just plain powerful.

Do each of these steps, and your fear WILL be eliminated.

It IS good to have some level of anxiety, but you can minimize that fear by practice, confidence & a belief in yourself.

Seriously, you ARE worth it!

Eileen Strong shows people how to speak with confidence & clarity; and delivering their compelling message successfully!


Killer Executive Speeches From The Podium

Lets face it….most of you are terrified to deliver a REALLY good speech! I might even say you “suck” when it comes to delivering a message that matters. And you will continue to do this with consistency, because you are letting your fear control you. And it will continue to do so.

So deal with it and CHANGE! You know your material…and you probably know most of the people in your audience. They probably are not going to lynch you if what you present is boring….but it won’t bring the results you are looking for…as usual.

So develop a game plan. Become a “gamer” like most of the younger Millenials do and have a strategy. Open with a sentence that literally grabs them, such as…”No one wants to be called a LOSER!” or “The only difference  between a rut and a grave is how deep you dig it!” That later one is of course Samuel Clemens “Mark Twain” making another incredible rational thought…put into words…like only he could.

Be creative, be free…be spontaneous. Share something from your childhood and choose a scenario that others can relate to. It might even be embarassing, but you probably learned from it…didn’t you? The more  people can relate to you, the more they will listen and that’s  the key component.

And of course PRACTICE your opening, and your closing. Your content should be  filled with worthy information…but most people begin  to “fade” after 3  to 7 seconds. So make it count. Mix it up and bring levity to it. Take a deep breath throughout your presentation, just to calm yourself. Make it brief and to the point and of course with a call to action!

Jerry Seinfeld says he will take an 8 sentence joke and bring it down to 3 or 4, because that gets THE BEST RESPONSE!

Take it from these pro’s.

Remember your’e worth it…seriously!imgres-1

Why would people rather be in a coffin instead of giving the eulogy?

Since PUBLIC SPEAKING STILL remains the #1 fear people have…Jerry Seinfeld simply said that headline sentence best! He builds it into his presentations with confidence…because that’s what he has! Many of us are not talented as him.

But for those WHO DO hate public speaking more than death…we CAN choose to take control of this fear, instead of it controlling us!

It has been proven that ALL fears can be handled and adapted to with time. You choose when and where. How critically important is it to your life to make this change and control this fear? By controlling it,… will you have more self confidence? How about better job security and respect within your work environment? These two statements alone, justify how critically important it is…that YOU choose to take the next steps.

Start by writing down your fears and what will happen to you when  you address and specifically tackle this fear. Most of your colleagues will not chastise you OR humiliate you.They probably will give you words of encouragement and state that “they’re glad they  did not have to do what you just did!”

So you do have to “name it to claim it!” By acknowledging the fear, you’ve taken the first big step in controlling it. Next you have to take the baby steps of preparing your presentation by standing in front of a mirror and presenting it to yourself. Then do it a 2nd & 3rd time…but with credibility. Each time, create something different about your presentation.

Put a pause in where it would benefit a point you need to make. Only make the pause a second or two. This technique gives your presentation impact. And only practice allows you to deliver it with clout! Remember…”think you can…think you can’t…either way you are right!”

And the acronym for FEAR is F.alse E.xpectations A.ppearing R.eal. This emotion can be a dominating force. Take these initial steps and then practice presenting to a friend or to your pet. Sounds silly…but it works!

Seeking additional help? Email me at Eileen@StrongIncentives.com with your concerns and questions. They both are free…and advice is priceless!

Employee anger in the workplace! — Eileen Strong’s Blog


Do you have to be on the lookout everyday at work? It’s a fact that your workplace might be a dangerous place. In 2015 over 5 BILLION dollars was spent on repercussions from anger, communication & conflict between employees! And it IS affecting your company’s bottom line. Anger affects productivity….significantly! You know that yourself don’t […]

via Employee anger in the workplace! — Eileen Strong’s Blog

Employee anger in the workplace!

Do you have to be on the lookout everyday at work?

It’s a fact that your workplace might be a dangerous place. In 2015 over 5 BILLION dollars was spent on repercussions from anger, communication & conflict between employees!  And it IS affecting your company’s bottom line.

Anger affects productivity….significantly! You know that yourself don’t you.

Think of the number of times you have brought emotional angst to work or frustration and anger back to your home. It’s the nature of many of us. And it’s a natural response. Anger is a powerfully emotional timeed in font -bomb.

And sometimes it can be suppressed again and again. Till an employee reaches their “tipping-point.”

What happens aftertaste this point. that is sometimes volatile & explosive …and sometimes even dangerous! Professionally you need to take control of this hostile environment. As quickly as possible bring the individual into a private area and use body language that shows you are in control.

Try not to put your hands on your hips. This is an “Authoritorian” pose, where you are implying power & control. Stand with your hands clasped in front of you, make eye contact and ask what is bothering you at work or at home. And wait at least 20 seconds before asking again.

This can be volatile, so be cautious. Keep your body language in check. Your actions at this point might be more powerful than your words. Time is an asset at this point. Use it to your advantage and stay in control.

It is imperative that you maintain a safe yet “results oriented” conversation at this point. By keeping an open dialogue, you will keep an open level of communication. Easier said than done!

This employee could feel threatened at this point. And your journey as “management” becomes critical. Take two deep breaths, repeat that you are concerned and committed to achieving results.

Reinforced that you understand and want to listen, understand & help.

Now your skills really become important. Remember…what you say is critical.

And think…would you listen to what you choose to say? Remember, think before you speak!

Published in: Uncategorized on May 14, 2016 at 12:40 am  Leave a Comment  

Between You & Me……New Life….New Experiences…Grandchildren!

Entering a new stage in life can sometimes be overwhelming…right?

Currently im learning to see life thru the “eyes” of a 1 year old…..my first Grandchild Amelia. And it’s incredible! Everything is a new experience; attempting to walk & falling down (a lot!)

But that’s what heppens to all of us. You learn that maybe a relationship is good or bad…in your personal or professional life. And you must adapt and accept or walk away. Change can be fun, frightening or frustrating. How do you handle change?

Most people do NOT like Change at all! Literally only a baby with a wet diaper “wants” change!

Remember these powerful points to adapt & accept “Change.”

1: Am I safe?

2: Will this benefit or harm my life (personally or professionally?)

#3: What do I have to do next…to learn how to “respond & NOT react” to this change?

My Granddaughter is…eagerly..everyday! Now it’s your turn and you are worth it.

Choose to change…& you can choose to succeed!

Your “Corporate Chameleon”

Eileen Strong

Strong Incentives…Delivers Powerful Results!

Published in: Uncategorized on August 6, 2015 at 2:13 pm  Leave a Comment  

“Thanks for the memories……..So as I gaze back at this picture I realize the journey that many of us have been on.

Woodrow Wilson Elementary School, West Allis, Wisconsin

Smiles, friendships, growth, loss and aging are all innocently presented in this picture. More than enough of these smiling 3rd graders have already passed away. Quite the shock! Makes you realize how brief life truly is.
As a professional speaker and trainer I share many stories from my childhood…and capture them to my audience memories.
I’ll say….”come back with me” to your years of innocence and fun filled experiences. Maybe not so much fun, but truly memorable. Or as the late great Jerry Garcia sang from the Grateful Dead….”What a long strange trip it’s been!”
Well that IS the truth. Each day lived, is another day of life that we were blessed to live and learn from.
Whether you feel alive and vibrant or slow and tired due to a multitude of reasons….you truly appreciate each day. I know you’ve heard that before….but think about it again. What if you knew you had only 1 month…or1 week or 1 day left? What would you do? What would you WANT to experience.
Please take every precious moment you are blessed with and savor it.
You are worth it….because NO one is as INCREDIBLE AS YOU!
Believe that….think that….and live it!

Why do people lie?

Imagine if the world suffered from “Pinocchio” syndrome? Everyday all of us started with an average size nose. No problems, no exaggerations, no false “small talk” where you weren’t paying attention in the first place. Your “nose” would stay the same size!

But as you begin your day….your nose WOULD grow. Why because you LIED!

Then average person does it at least twice a day.

Take the poll and lets find out how you fare!

Research shows that married couples lie at least 14 times a week to each other. They could be small “white” lies….but they still are lies!

We lie to get out of or cover up a mistake. It is just the nature of the human being. Animals don’t do this, they just go on existing and living in the moment.

A study has shown that a child becomes exposed to lying to someone else between the ages of 3 & 4. If you wonder how we do this…it is just by example. If a child receives a gift, and they “don’t want it or like it”, they simply say so! But then they are corrected by their parents. They watch their parents tell the gift giver, “Oh no, she really does like your gift. She just wants to go out and play.”

We blatantly make up excuses in front of our child. And the first lesson in lying begins!
And it continues on from there.
Starting today, challenge yourself. Become cognizant of when you think you are concocting an excuse or a lie. Hold back, think about it and then speak the truth.
Try it…you’ll like it!

If you have been lied to and it has hurt you or affected your job, share it with me. I am in the process of working on my 2nd book, “Liars, Tigers, S.O.B.s Oh My!” I would love your input and experiences to add to my book. Names would not be shown, but the experience could and would help other people.

Why? Because we all learn from each other…and because we all lie!
Contact me at Eileen@StrongIncentives.com

Published in: on May 14, 2014 at 4:17 pm  Leave a Comment  
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“Why NOT you?”

Russell Wilson’s dad said this to his son…repeatedly…regarding his “limitations” of being only 5’11”!
Coaches questioned whether he really could be a solid, successful quarterback and that size would hinder him.

Obviously he proved everyone wrong…as did all of his incredible teammates. Think you can, think you can’t was proven again to be right. They thought they could and they DID!

When you are making a presentation…know that you CAN make a great presentation…..and you WILL.

Remember, know your material.
Know your audience.
And KNOW that you will make a great presentation….and you will!
Just like Russell Wilson!

Call me to find out how great of a presentation YOU can make!
732-389-3868…..a simple call with powerful results!

Published in: Uncategorized on February 3, 2014 at 2:45 pm  Leave a Comment  
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The powerful fear of speaking in public…is quite real!

Two weeks ago in Las Vegas at the world famous Electronics show….a CEO of a major firm….stood in front of his audience and started to present. Unfortunately, the prompter & PowerPoint failed. He stood there “paralyzed” with fright. He scanned the audience and said “I can’t do this!”

Do you ever feel as if you are being sent for punishment because you had to make a presentation? 


What is YOUR attitude & level of confidence whenever you have to speak? Is it like this CEO’s…or do you take it in stride, present & take the consequences? Seriously you ARE in control. Lay out your presentation in a 5 W format. Who-What- Where -When -Why. Then list one feature followed by 3 benefits. Use this as a skeletal layout & then fill in the relevant material. Use this for structure….and practice , practice, practice! You WILL SUCCEED!href=”https://eileenstrong.files.wordpress.com/2014/01/image1.jpg”>Image this!”



Published in: Uncategorized on January 30, 2014 at 8:36 pm  Leave a Comment  
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