Why would people rather be in a coffin instead of giving the eulogy?

Since PUBLIC SPEAKING STILL remains the #1 fear people have…Jerry Seinfeld simply said that headline sentence best! He builds it into his presentations with confidence…because that’s what he has! Many of us are not talented as him.

But for those WHO DO hate public speaking more than death…we CAN choose to take control of this fear, instead of it controlling us!

It has been proven that ALL fears can be handled and adapted to with time. You choose when and where. How critically important is it to your life to make this change and control this fear? By controlling it,… will you have more self confidence? How about better job security and respect within your work environment? These two statements alone, justify how critically important it is…that YOU choose to take the next steps.

Start by writing down your fears and what will happen to you when  you address and specifically tackle this fear. Most of your colleagues will not chastise you OR humiliate you.They probably will give you words of encouragement and state that “they’re glad they  did not have to do what you just did!”

So you do have to “name it to claim it!” By acknowledging the fear, you’ve taken the first big step in controlling it. Next you have to take the baby steps of preparing your presentation by standing in front of a mirror and presenting it to yourself. Then do it a 2nd & 3rd time…but with credibility. Each time, create something different about your presentation.

Put a pause in where it would benefit a point you need to make. Only make the pause a second or two. This technique gives your presentation impact. And only practice allows you to deliver it with clout! Remember…”think you can…think you can’t…either way you are right!”

And the acronym for FEAR is F.alse E.xpectations A.ppearing R.eal. This emotion can be a dominating force. Take these initial steps and then practice presenting to a friend or to your pet. Sounds silly…but it works!

Seeking additional help? Email me at Eileen@StrongIncentives.com with your concerns and questions. They both are free…and advice is priceless!

Employee anger in the workplace! — Eileen Strong’s Blog


Do you have to be on the lookout everyday at work? It’s a fact that your workplace might be a dangerous place. In 2015 over 5 BILLION dollars was spent on repercussions from anger, communication & conflict between employees! And it IS affecting your company’s bottom line. Anger affects productivity….significantly! You know that yourself don’t […]

via Employee anger in the workplace! — Eileen Strong’s Blog

Whose winning your “rat race?”

With all the constant social media, extra responsibilities at work, and less personal time….does it ever seem as if ” the rats” are winning?

Doesn’t it seem as if your 24 hour day keeps getting less & less. Staying on top of all your professional and personal responsibilities seems to chisel away at it even more.
So who’s winning your race?
Staying on top of intentionally giving yourself “downtime” is critical. Otherwise you’ll continue to be sucked into that quagmire of taking on more, accomplishing most…..and then running out of time….(your time!”)
Personally, I have two friends that are down to their last several or few months. Depends on how aggressive their cancers continue to dominate their 60 year old body.
Whether you know about Dr. Kubler-Ross and her D.A.B.D.A. acronym….you should read this and understand it. Because this acceptance of end….is applicable not only to life….but to a relationship….a loss of job….loss of a pet….a house, etc.
Here are the steps:
D.enial  A.nger  B.argaining  D.epression  A.cceptance
Each of these stages you have already gone thru…and probably many, many times.
If you lose a job…immediately you go thru…

Denial…”what do you mean you’re letting me go?”
Anger…”.mad that you were the one to get released”
Bargaining….”what can I do to get my job back?”
Depression….”Oh no, oh no, oh no…why me?”
Acceptance….”I guess this is what is going to happen.”

So, who IS winning your rat race?
Even if you win….there will always be another bigger, faster, younger rat…no matter what!”
So pace yourself, enjoy your work, enjoy your life….and look forward to that treadmill continuously going round and round…and round.
In other words…..enjoy the ride!

Published in: on March 18, 2013 at 11:53 pm  Leave a Comment  
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Laugh, love and live….for tomorrow it may SNOW….AGAIN!

When I left Wisconsin….I left my “snow days” behind. Or so I thought. Living here on the Jersey Shore makes the midwest look like a balmy paradise!
We are on to snowstorm number 5. And it just keeps coming down. Oh and of course the snowblower has died.
That would be too convenient for it to work, when we have had the most snow in years!

But it sure is pretty outside, as long as you don’t drive in it. My rear wheel drive Lexus is a nice ride….but not in snow.

Sometimes life is like that. You have all the right equipment. You are basically prepared….or so you thought. And then “WHAM”…the LETS MAKE A DEAL DOOR OF LIFE…swings wide open and leaves you lying flat on the ground.
That is what has happened in the past 6 days.
My neighbor dies after being sick for 5 weeks. My friends premature baby dies after 2 weeks of living. My very close friend has been given a very poor prognosis with his kidney & spinal cancer….and finally today…the Veternarian advised us that our cat has limited time. She said that time would tell within a few days whether “humane euthanasia” might be the next thing to do for our little 10 yr. old Kitty.
No matter where I turn…the unique brevity of life is becoming more apparent.
Truly, celebrate yours everyday. Make it special. Call your friends. Do something special for yourself everyday.
Feel good about what you do at work and at home…seriously. Most of us just glean over our day; deal with “stuff” as it happens.
And we simply go on.
Enjoy your next good belly laugh. Or at least seek out something that is funny, that will make you laugh. Release your serotonin (just a little bit more every day). Serotonin is that “James Brown” chemical that makes you think….”I feel good….dah da dah da dah da dah” (put some music in there)
Don’t just go thru the motions of your day….enjoy the simple things.
Because your’e worth it!


Published in: on February 26, 2010 at 1:45 am  Leave a Comment  
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You Gotta Believe….you really, really do.

The Cape of "Ta-Da".....& the fun of believing!The fun of wearing the famous Ta-Da” cape of Loretta LaRouche!

The Cape of "Ta-Da".....& the fun of believing!

Fun, fun, fun…..is guaranteed everyday if and when you practice what humorist Loretta LaRouche speaks on. Most of us in America have lost our capability to laugh with abundance. The economy is down, the housing market is in a crisis, unemployment is up….and these were the headlines that several presidents have talked about for over 150 years.

Most of us know that “History repeats itself.” And that IS the truth!

The truth is also that we no longer laugh as much as a child does. The average adult laughs, smirks, smiles broadly or giggles less than 40 times a day. The average child under 10 does just that from 100 to 400 times a day!

How did we lose this incredible gift?

One of the topics that I speak on is “Laughter is Contagious….Want to Catch Some?” This seminar addresses the incredible stress in our life….at work and at home. What negatively happens at work, we drag back home….and what happens at work we tend to take out on family members that we love.

Take a step back…and smile at yourself in the mirror. Make eye contact with the person you are next to…and genuinely ask how they are doing.

Check in and see how you are doing at least 3 times a day. Check in with yourself in the morning. Review your state of mind mid-day and evaluate how you are doing at the evening hours.

The great, late Norman Cousins, knew of the power of positive and more so the power of laughter.He was advised that his days were numbered and that he should get his affairs in order within the next 3 to 6 months….because that was the prognosis given to him! He checked in to the hotel across the street from the hospital and rented and viewed comedy films, day after day, after day.

What prognosis? He lived another  16 years!!

Give yourself a “Ta-Da” everyday. Laugh out loud…and be silly for no reason. Don’t think about it…just do it. If you don’t pat yourself on the back and give yourself a “Ta-Da”…who will?

As a speaker, I love bringing joy to your company, seminar or workshop. Strong Incentives brings powerful results…..in a positive way!

Blessings in abundance to you everyday!

The Attitude Amazon,

Eileen Strong